It’s the middle of summer, and you are relying on your air conditioner to keep you cool. But one day, you notice that it seems to be running endlessly and won’t turn off. There are a few possible causes for why your AC unit is stuck, and here are five of them.
Faulty Thermostat
If your AC unit does not turn off, it could be because of a faulty thermostat. The thermostat is responsible for controlling your home’s temperature, and if it is not working properly, it can cause your AC unit to stay longer than it should. The thermostat may need to be replaced in some cases. However, you may be able to fix the problem by calibrating the thermostat or cleaning the sensor. If you are uncomfortable doing this yourself, you can always call a professional for help. With a little troubleshooting, you should be able to get your AC unit back up and running in no time.
Dirty Air Filter
A common reason an ac unit won’t turn off is that the air filter is dirty. The air filter is full of dirt and debris can restrict airflow and cause the AC unit to work harder than necessary. As a result, the AC unit may stay on longer than usual to cool the home. Occasionally, the AC unit may cycle on and off more frequently than normal. If you suspect your AC unit’s air filter is dirty, check it and clean or replace it as needed. This simple step can help ensure that your AC unit runs properly and doesn’t waste energy by staying on when it isn’t needed.
Frozen Evaporator Coils
If your AC unit is blowing air but not cooling your home, the evaporator coils may be frozen. It can happen for several reasons, such as when the unit is low on refrigerant or when there is too much humidity in the air. If you suspect your evaporator coils are frozen, turn off the unit and call a technician for help. In the meantime, open all the windows and doors to help circulate air and thaw the coils.
Faulty Fan Limit Switch
One of the most common reasons an AC unit won’t turn off is because of a faulty fan limit switch. The fan limit switch is responsible for turning the fan on and off in response to the temperature of the air inside the unit. If the switch is damaged, it may cause the fan to stay on even when the air is cool enough, leading to wasted energy and increased utility bills. In some cases, a faulty fan limit switch can also cause the unit to overheat, damaging the compressor and leading to costly repairs. If you suspect your AC unit’s fan limit switch is not working properly, it is best to contact a qualified technician for diagnosis and repair.
Low Refrigerant Levels
If your AC unit doesn’t turn off, it may be because the refrigerant levels are low. It can happen for many reasons, such as a leak in the system or simply because the unit is old and needs to be refilled. Either way, it is important to get the problem fixed as soon as possible; otherwise, you will end up wasting a lot of energy and money trying to keep your home cool. Fortunately, most AC repair companies offer free estimates, so you can get an idea of the cost before you commit to anything.
If your AC unit is not turning off, one of these five causes could be the problem. We have outlined some solutions to each issue so that you can get your AC up and running again as soon as possible. Have you tried any of these solutions? Do you have another solution that has worked for you? Let us know in the comments!